On Fri, Jan 02, 2004 at 11:23:13PM -0500, Frederic Lavoie wrote:
> Hello, 
>     I have this error :
> Dec 20 04:00:04 eglantin sm-mta[15923]: alias database /etc/mail/aliases.db out of 
> date
>     Even if I do a newaliases the error still there.  Is is logical? What is 
> the problem? The file itself has a good date. If you have any feel free to 
> contact me.: 
> -rw-r--r--    1 root     smmsp       12288 Nov 30 22:04 aliases.db

No, it's not very logical, at least at first sight.  All the error is saying
is that the timestamp on "/etc/mail/aliases.db" is older than the one in the
"/etc/aliases" file and you should therefore run 'newaliases'.  However, you
explained you did this already and it didn't seem to fix the problem.  Pay
attention to the output of the 'newaliases' command and see if it is using
the default "aliases" file you expect.  Just to give you an idea, I upgraded
Sendmail on a Red Hat box recently and it created a new "aliases" file under
the "/etc/mail" directory.  I wasn't aware of it and continued editing my
usual "/etc/aliases" file, but my changes were never taking effect.  After
a few minutes pulling my hair, I realized all of a sudden that 'newaliases'
was reading input from "/etc/mail/aliases".  Perhaps something similar may
be happening to you here.


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