I want to make a cd archive of my (past) school work and remove it
from my hard drive.  The problem lies in name/path length limits for
ISO9660 filesystems.  'mkisofs -R -J' yields output such as
    Using FINDR000.HH;1 for ./SE1-Software_Engineering.3010-361/src/FindRoomWindow.hh 
    Using FINDR000.CC;1 for 
./SE1-Software_Engineering.3010-361/src/FindRoomWindow_glade.cc (FindRoomWindow.cc)
When I loopback mount the ISO to inspect it, the file apears normal
with the complete path and name.

My question is, what does the output from mkisofs mean, and will the
CD have all of the files correctly named?


Folly delights a man who lacks judgement,
but a man of understanding keeps a straight course.
        Proverbs 15:21
www: http://dman13.dyndns.org/~dman/            jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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