On Mon, May 15, 2023 at 12:43:01PM -0600, Charles Curley wrote:
> On Mon, 15 May 2023 13:42:52 -0400
> Greg Wooledge <g...@wooledge.org> wrote:
> > There's no need to do that.  Debian already ships an rc-local.service.
> True. In order to edit it, the user should copy it into /etc/systemd/…
> and edit it there. There are commands in systemd to make that fairly
> painless. See man systemctl -> edit.

... why would the user want to edit it?!

The unit file is already THERE, and WORKS, and does not need to be edited.

> I think the OP is more interested in learning things and was following
> a tutorial when the question came up. But guessing what OPs are up to
> is a rum game.

I'm fairly certain the OP wants to run this "mousepad" program
automatically as part of their X or Wayland session.

If they're using a Wayland session, then I cannot offer any help.

If they're using X, then my previous message contains all that's needed,
for someone who can follow the instructions.

Conceptually, the main hurdle here is that the OP did not seem to
understand that these are two entirely separate things:

1) System startup.

2) User session startup.  (And 2a, user GUI session startup, which may
   be a separate step.)

An X11 program has to be started as part of the latter.  Their original
attempt was trying to incorporate it into the former, which is not going
to work.

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