Am Wed, May 17, 2023 at 07:01:30PM +0100 schrieb Joe:

Hello Joe,
> Oh dear, oh dear...
> Very sorry for the wasted time.
This has been no wasted time. You have found an additional root cause
for some unexpected behaviour all of us will be aware of from now on.
> When I tried the wired mouse I did not actually unplug the wireless
> mouse receiver, so it was still generating scroll events every 200ms
> while over a window (presumably being ignored by the kernel when it was
> over unscrollable things like the background and panels.
> Quick removal and replacement of mouse battery and problem solved.
And again we can blame the hardware :-).
> As partial reparation, could I recommend evemu-tools to anyone who
> doesn't know about it? Cleans up that nasty raw output from cat
> /dev/input/mouseX and adds times. Problem solved immediately with its
> help.
This is good to know.
> OK, I can't explain why Knoppix didn't also do it, the mouse was still
> generating masses of scroll events. That really messed up the
> troubleshooting. Knoppix doesn't have evemu-tools, but the raw mouse
> events were enough by that time.
It can be that the xinput of Knoppix is configured to do more
de-bouncing of scroll events than the Debian system. You reported that
Knoppix has been very slow. It could also be that Knoppix could not
handle all the mouse events and did the de-bouncing by unintended
throttling :-).

Thank you for reporting about the fix and for the recommendation!

Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.

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