On 5/21/23 06:26, songbird wrote:
David Christensen wrote:
Measuring actual power supply output and system usage would involve
building or buying suitable test equipment.  The cost would be non-trivial.


   it depends upon how accurate you want to be and
how much power.

   for my system it was a simple matter of buying a
reasonably sized battery backup unit which includes
in it's display the amount of power being drawn in

   on sale the backup unit cost about $150 USD.  if
i want to see what something draws i have a power
cord set up to use for that and just plug it in
and watch the display as it operates.  if the
device is a computer part i can plug it in to my
motherboard or via usb or ...  as long as it gets
done with a grounding strip and i do the power
turn off and turn back on as is appropriate for
the device (and within ratings of my power supply).

   also use this setup to figure out how much power
the various wall warts are eating.  :(  switches on
all of them are worth the expense.


Yes, there are a variety of price/performance options for measuring current and voltages between the AC power outlet and an AC load (such as a computer).

But, I was talking about measuring currents and voltages between a computer power supply output and the various components inside the computer.


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