> On Fri, Jun 02, 2023 at 08:05:18AM +0000, Andy Smith wrote:
> > Hello,
> [...]
> > Most of the time with most packages it's obvious, but I have seen
> > some weird things from time to time! KVM is such a big package that
> > I shy away from just advising --no-install-recommends to those
> > inexperienced with it.
> 100% agreed. Whoever deviates from the "recommended" way should be
> prepared (and willing) to learn a few things on the way. Which may
> be a good thing or not :)

Still the idea to have a base hypervisor package: fully tested,
functional and not missing any important files, and a set of optional
GUI tools/shells is very appealing to me. Much like you can install,
for example, Git (CLI tested and ready) and a bunch of optional GUI
tools or editors around it.

Victor Sudakov VAS4-RIPE

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