
Anyone come across delivery failures where the client cert is signed by
an internal ca.

Jun  2 03:45:27 imap202 sm-mta[14736]: STARTTLS=server, error: accept 
failed=-1, reason=tlsv1 alert unknown ca, SSL_error=1, errno=0, retry=-1, 
relay=mta140.fwdto.net []
Jun  2 03:45:27 imap202 sm-mta[14736]: 3523jQ45014736: mta140.fwdto.net 
[] did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection to MTA-v4

I've not seen this before. It was persistent - tried 75 times over 5
hours before it gave up.

I don't have an easy way to get an email resent from this host. I've
hopefully disabled STARTTLS for it now...

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