On 2023-06-13 06:41:41 -0500, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> I've been experimenting with Arch Linux for some time and one thing I
> like about its pacman package management system is that it has a tool
> available named 'pacdiff'.  The details are off topic but in a nutshell
> what it does is identify a locally modified config and the corresponding
> new config files and can open them in 'vimdiff' giving a nice display of
> the diff using the vim editor.  Once the editing is complete there is a
> final step to discard the new config file or replace the current one
> with it.  I do like that Debian retains the new file with various file
> name extensions for future reference.
> I know that apt allows for viewing a unified diff of the files, but it
> has been quite some time since I've been presented with that menu that I
> don't recall if editing based on the diff is an option.  It certainly
> seems that calling vimdiff in that situation would be quite easy but I
> realize that not many are comfortable with vim and would want a more
> universal editor that I might not like.

This is not apt, but dpkg, which is rather limited:


(yes, 1999).

Some packages offer a 3-way merge, which is very useful. I think that
in this case, the configuration file handling is done via ucf (the
possibility of a merge is mentioned in its man page).

Vincent Lefèvre <vinc...@vinc17.net> - Web: <https://www.vinc17.net/>
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