On 2023-06-15 12:54, Susmita/Rajib wrote:
My dear illustrious Leaders of the Debian-user List and Senior List Members,

There is Wiki.js but a Debian package for wiki.js isn't available.

Then there is libreoffice-wiki-publisher in Debian, the LibreOffice
extension for working with MediaWiki articles.

But files created with zim don't appear to be compatible with the
other. Will check, confirm and then post my experiences.

I require a WYSIWYG editor. Zim is one. But I also need another
supporting editor to further polish up files.

Any suggestion in the meanwhile would be welcome.

Best wishes.

Although I have never used it myself (I am 100% a vim and by extension a vimwiki person) I know someone who used (not sure if he still does) Basket Notes (https://basket-notepads.github.io/) and loves it. Maybe that will suit your needs?

Grx HdV

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