OK, Here we go.

First of all, I don't have a cat, so let's forego any further cattiness.

I built the system on 6/26/2015 and have kept up on maintenance

ASUS M5 A97 R2.0 Motherboard BIOS 2603

AMD FX-8320 Eight-Core Processor 3500MHz

8179 MB (DDR 1600MHz)

The display is a 23 in LG flat screen (3 years old).

All the cables are firmly attached.

On 6/29/2023 11:06 AM, Felix Miata wrote:
> Stephen P. Molnar composed on 2023-06-29 06:55 (UTC-0400):
>> I have Bullseye currently installed on my main Linux platform.
>> When I logged in this morning I got an Out of Range 95.3 kHz/60 kHz
>> error.
> What was the system stated immediately before trying? IOW, was it
> suspended, off, hibernated, asleep?
> It's hard to help much when you tell so little about your current
> system. Was your cat sleeping on it when you came to use it? Is it a
> laptop? How many displays are attached? What GPU(s)? Which DE or WM?
> Inxi -GSaz is a good way to provide needed system info, if you can
> get logged in successfully somehow, maybe by rebooting, or
> Ctrl-Alt-F3 then Alt-F7/F1 cycled a time or three, or cycling the
> display's power. Is your video cable loose? Ancient? Is your display
> ancient, or VGA (analog)? Is your display under warranty? Maybe it's
> hinting you'd be wise to upgrade to Bookworm, or shouldn't be
> tempted. How old is it?
Stephen P. Molnar, PhD
Skype: smolnar1

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