On Fri, 14 Jul 2023 20:08:56 -0700
David Christensen <dpchr...@holgerdanske.com> wrote:

> If you computer has an available 2.5" drive bay and SATA port, I
> suggest that you install a small, fast 2.5" SATA SSD for your
> operating system, programs, and "hot" data (home directory, e-mail,
> and working directories), and use the 2 TB HDD for the rest of your
> data.  I think you will be very pleased with the performance
> improvement provided by a SATA SSD, and will not need a new computer.

I use a small data partition on a SSD for /home/me and symlink dir's
from the larger drive  into that /home/me. Debian helps by offering to
set up a /home partition at installation.  It means that my recent
files open quicker.   eg :
>> ls -lah /home/keith/Documents/
total 21M
drwxrw--w- 16 keith keith 4.0K Jul  7 14:59  .
drwxrw--w- 49 keith keith 4.0K Jun  7 12:20  ..
drwxrw--w- 13 keith keith 4.0K Feb 28 21:21  0lder
drwxrw--w-  5 keith keith 4.0K Feb  4  2022  2020
drwxrw--w-  3 keith keith 4.0K May 27 06:07  2021
drwxrw--w- 24 keith keith 4.0K May 27 06:09  2022
drwxrw--w- 16 keith keith 4.0K Jul 11 09:10  2023

I'll fix that zero in older one day.

All the best

Keith Bainbridge
0447 667 468

38s X 144e

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