On Thu, Jul 20, 2023 at 05:55:12PM -0600, William Torrez Corea wrote:
> Setting up mysql-common (8.0.34-1debian11) ...

This package did not come from Debian.  That's not a Debian version
string (*none* of them have that pattern, with the literal word "debian"
in between numbers), and besides, looking at
<http://packages.debian.org/mysql-common> you can clearly see that no
version of Debian has a mysql-common package with a version number
that high.

If your third-party MySQL packages are not working, you might seek help
from whoever built them.  Failing that, you should *definitely* back
up your database(s) if possible, and then give serious thought to
purging these packages by whatever means, and then reinstalling them.
Or installing Debian's Mariadb packages instead.

Once you get a working database back on the system, then you can restore
your backed-up data.

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