Le 24/07/2023 à 23:55, Charles Curley a écrit :
A fresh install of Debian 12.1 on a Lenovo Yoga 13. I have firewalld
installed, and firewall-config 1.3.0-1 to manage it. Polkit insists on
authentication, which is fine. It then has extremely short timeouts (or
something), so I have to keep re-authenticating. How do I tell it to
not be so zealous?

Hello Charles

Disclaimer: I have never tested what I say, that is just a suppsoition

From what I read, it seems that this delay is 5mn, hard-coded:
(a look at the source confirms that this is still the case)

After reading the polkit manpage and the firewalld package list of files, it could be possible (but I would not advise you to do it) to modify
to replace all auth_self_keep and auth_admin_keep keys by auth_self and auth_admin keys to extend the validity period to the entire session duration.
All these settings would be lost at the next firewalld package upgrade.

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