Source Code wrote: 
> Hello dear Debian team! I really like this distribution. I use it with
> great pleasure! But I would like to know more about this distribution. I
> wanted to ask you:

debian-users is composed of users of Debian, not a "team".

> 1. After installing Debian without a single desktop environment, there is
> only a web server, ssh server and standard utilities. Is it possible to
> establish a Wi-Fi connection on your own without sudo and internet? If so,
> how? If not, why not? :) Most of commands just don't work because their
> packages can't be downloaded from the internet.

If your wifi hardware is supported without non-free firmware, it
should be working. Therefore, your wifi hardware either needs
non-free firmware, or isn't supported at all.

Most likely, you need to get the appropriate firmware. How did
you install Debian?

You might need to download the correct firmware package on an internet
connected machine, then bring it over to this one and install

'sudo' is not required, but either 'su' or logging in as root is
required to install packages, including firmware.

> 2. Working window managers will continue to be supported, such as dwm,
> awesome?

It is awesome.

> 3. Is it possible to reduce RAM consumption? And minimize it? Let's say up
> to 100-200 mb?

That depends on what you choose to run, and how. I would not
recommend trying to do anything interesting on a machine with
less than 256MB of RAM. That will not be enough for many common

> 4. Is subscribing there free:



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