On Tue, 25 Jul 2023 14:54:26 -0700,
Bruce Byfield<bbyfi...@axion.net> wrote:

>Last week, I installed Debian 12. Since then I've had no sound. I've consulted 
>various pages on the Debian wiki, and found no solution, either with 
>pulseaudio or pipewire. Built-in speakers,  and external features (including 
>bluetooth ones, which are definitely connected) don't work. Any suggestions?

Are you sure you have no sound at all, and not just have really really
low volume?

I have a similar problem where I need to raise the volume in alsamixer
between each boot (or switch between different users) - I have posted
about it here on debian-user, but no replies yet. 

-- Andreas Rönnquist

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