On Wed, Jul 26, 2023 at 10:31:09AM +0200, Christoph Pleger wrote:
> I found out that, though this works for users listed in /etc/passwd, it
> does not for users who have a remote NIS account.
> That problem already occurred a longer time ago, but in the meanwhile,
> I had solved (by following suggestions from the internet) it by
> installing unscd and creating a file /etc/systemd/system/systemd-
> udevd.service.d/override.conf with the following content:
> [Service]
> IPAddressAllow=localhost
> But now, the problem occurs again: After booting the computer,
> I have to restart systemd-udevd to make 99-local.rules work as desired.
> Does anyone have an idea how to solve the problem?

First thing I'll note is that this reminds me quite a bit of this
change which occurred in buster:

    The security settings for some components of systemd have
    been tightened. People using nis with systemd may encounter
    bug 878625 which breaks a variety of things related to login
    sessions. Workarounds include installing the nscd package,
    or reconfiguring systemd-logind.service to allow it to use
    the network.


But I suppose you're past that, and you're asking why you have to
restart a service after booting.  I don't have a direct answer for
that, but I'm wondering whether installing nscd would help.

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