On Tue, 1 Aug 2023 12:12:01 -0400
Dan Ritter <d...@randomstring.org> wrote:

> piorunz wrote: 
> > On 01/08/2023 16:44, Celejar wrote:
> > 
> > > Any ideas?
> > > 
> > Revert to Debian Stable and check there. I have AMD Radeon card and it's
> > 100% stable on Stable, and it had issues last year back when bookworm was in
> > Testing.
> If that doesn't work, try a new power supply. Video cards and
> CPUs are typically the #1 and #2 draw on power, so power
> problems show up there first.

Thanks, but I can't easily / conveniently do that. I don't have one
handy, and the machine is an HP Z440, which I think may have trouble
using standard power supplies anyway.


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