On 8/5/23 02:54, Michel Verdier wrote:
On 2023-08-04, Carl Fink wrote:

Today, on my Bullseye system, X crashed and restarted. Naturally, I thought
I'd check my logs to see if I could find out why.

Well, no ... because syslog does not exist.
If you don't have syslog your logs will be on journald.
But X logs could be in /var/log/Xorg.0.log or
~/.xsession-error or ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log
It is highly probable that I'm being grumpy because Debian changed something that I was used to for decades, without my realizing it. I'm more interested in *using* my computer than learning whole new paradigms about, say, logging. Changing things will *always* be perceived as friction unless someone explains clearly why it makes
sense, to me personally.

-Carl Fink

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