On Tue, 6 Jan 2004 22:14:09 -0500 (EST)
"Michael B Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

<big snip> 
> If I use debian it sounds like using custom packages is more
> difficult. I'll have to create a file with equivs-contol and then edit
> it. That's not so bad but knowing what to put in it bothers me.

That's actually pretty easy, even though it looks a little daunting at
first. The README.Debian file in /usr/share/doc/equivs/ makes it pretty
easy to do, if you just follow their instructions.

I like to start with one of the example control files in
/usr/share/doc/equivs/examples and edit it to be what I want, rather
than using equivs-control. To figure out the syntax for this file, do an
"apt-cache show <package_name>" on packages that do the same thing. For
example, to tell apt what dependencies a custom Postfix package would
meet, read the "Provides:" line from "apt-cache show postfix". If it
depends on some ssl packages, read the "Provides:" line from those ssl

If you're compiling other options in as well, such as SA, you can
include the same things you see in the Provides: line from "apt-cache
show spamassassin" (though it's recommended that you create a second
"dummy" package for something different, just in case you need to
remove/modify one without the other.)

You can do the same type of thing to figure out the description,
maintainer, it's dependencies and on and on. Also, don't forget to give
it an appropriate version number!

Then, be sure to save the .deb file created from this procedure - you
never know when you might want to use it again - whether it's cause you
wiped your machine, you're building a machine for a friend, etc.

After it's created, if you're still not sure of yourself, do a "dpkg
--info filename.deb" to read the specs on the package yourself and see
that they look similar to other .deb packages you've downloaded from


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