On 07/08/2023 23:45, gene heskett wrote:
On 8/7/23 21:47, Greg Wooledge wrote:
Start a new thread, and treat the problem seriously.  Show us the
commands you're running and their output.  Show us the relevant
parts of your configuration.

That particular problem has been solved, Greg, and 60 days later there's no way I can recreate all that.

There is at my age some considerable truth in the remark that I can't remember what I had for breakfast or if I even had any.  It might be funny to the younger folks here, until they can't recall it either...

Don't just tack it onto a different thread and make vague statements.
That won't solve anything.

Go back and look at me vs digikam.
> [snip]

He just told you to not hijack threads, and there you go and your immediate reply is to start talking about something completely unrelated to the rest of the discussion.

If little else, the brain is an educational toy.
                -- Tom Robbins


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