On 8/10/23 03:03 PM, Nicolas George wrote:
Default User (12023-08-10):
And, if /lost+found should be excluded, then shouldn't "lost+found"
in any other directories be excluded from backups as well? Why/why
Unfortunately, I regret to say that I did not find that the answer to
the question(s) about lost+found in the original post were contained in
the explanation(s) of its function - at least in what I have read so
The lost+found directory at the root of the filesystem is special, it is
created when the filesystem is created and set up to receive orphaned
files. A lost+found directory elsewhere… is just a directory with a
wacky name.


Almost but not quite completely true.

If you have more than one filesystem on your host, they may also have lost+found directories which will show up in their mount points.

For example, with your home on a separate disk, mounted on /home, there may be a /home/lost+found.

The same thinking applies to them as to /lost+found.

Any other location, then it is a user creating a directory or file with a wacky name, as Nicolas suggests.


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