Am Freitag, dem 14.07.2023 um 21:52 +0200 schrieb zithro:
> On 14 Jul 2023 10:53, Joe wrote:
> > On Fri, 14 Jul 2023 09:27:12 +0200
> > Bruno Kleinert <> wrote:
> > 
> > > Hello,
> > > 
> > > I'm looking for a wireless way to measure temperature and humidity
> > > indoor with hardware off the shelf and software included in Debian 12
> > > bookworm.
> > > 
> > > Sensors --> Radio --> Receiver --> Any typical PC interface, e.g.,
> > > USB, Ethernet.
> > > 
> > > I don't need a visual interface, but plan to process measured values
> > > in shell scripts.
> > > 
> > > Do you have any hardware recommendations and can you share experience?
> I use DS18B20 chips (1-wire protocol, nice for long distances cabling) 
> and some BME280s or MPL3115A2, plugged on Raspberry Pies.
> The DS18B20 can be directly manipulated via sysfs, while the BMEs and 
> the MPL3115A2 need a software library to interpret the sensors output (I 
> use Adafruit's one, in python).

Since I had two DS18B20 1-wire sensors running, I had experience with
that and liked its brain-dead simplicity to set up and use it. It seems
to me, there's currently a shortage in availability in Germany's web
shops. Also, some ready-to use sensors seemed expensive to me, so I put
1-wire technology on hold.

For testing puprosed I bought a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ and I decided
for Raspberry Pi Zero WH's and DHT20 temperature and humidity sensors,
which apparently is a newish I2C version of the DHTs, and can just be
wired to Raspberry Pis' IC2 connectors without any additional resistors
(My soldering skills got terribly rusty). I used i2cdetect of the i2c-
tools package to detect controllers and sensors and to play around with
the sensors' data I currently
use (not in Debian 12
bookworm). I'd prefere to use i2cget to read sensor data, but didn't
manage to get it working, yet.

Additionally I successfully can control a 4-relay board (controlled via
4 GPIOs) with gpioset of the gpiod package and I'm using a rain sensor
(signalling via GPIO) as a water leakage sensor with gpioget and
gpiomon from the gpiod package. I spontaneously decided to build a
sprinkler system and currently wait for the magnet valves to arrive.
I'm open to suggestions for a housing, as I didn't consider how to
protect the electronics outside, yet.

Funnily, I got crazy how charmingly well the stock (plus the firmware
packages from non-free and/or non-free-firmware) Debian 12 bookworm
images work on both Raspberry Pi types. Thanks a lot Gunnar, I think!

Thanks to everyone responding in the thread for your hints and

Kind regards,

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