Installation of Debian 11.7 on VirtualBox works fine. This video shows
the beginning of the process, I press Return on the default first
option, Graphics Install:

Installation of Debian 12.1 on VirtualBox fails at the beginning of
the process, again I press Return on the default first option,
Graphics Install. Basically the installer gets into a loop with an
issue in X:

A couple of weeks ago I searched the Debian Forums. Someone there had
the same issue. The solution found was to install 11.7 and then
upgrade to 12.1. I am sure that would work, however I wanted to ask
here if anybody knows another solution. Although I don't have a need
for a fix, it would be nice to know if there is one. This test was
done on a ArchLinux host on the desktop (I run Debian on my server, in
case someone wants to know why I care about Debian!).

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