On Sun 13 Aug 2023 at 02:41:30 (+0800), Bret Busby wrote:

> My apology - I failed to see the reference to alpine linux, and, due
> to scurrilous actions, the first result in searching, using
> duckduckgo, on the combination of
> alpine email application mailing list
> is the URL for the disreputable operating system above.
> I have used alpine, and, before alpine, its predecessor, pine, for
> about 30 years.
> I know nothing of alpine linux.
> It is unfortunate and shameful, that the name of the alpine email
> application,has been used for something completely different.
> It is like someone using the name Debianporn.

Hmm, AFAICT the Alpine(linux) codename was already mentioned
in this post from 23 August 2005:


whereas for Alpine(email), a post from 1 November 2006:


refers to a UW web page stating that development of Alpine
started in "late 2005", which I would place post-August.


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