On Thu, Aug 17, 2023 at 01:20:26PM +0800, hlyg wrote:
> Thank Mike Castle!
> i suppose update cycle becomes short if there are major important patch,
> correction or adjustments

I think the aim is to have a roughly 2 month cycle per point release for 
the current stable and a 3-4 month release for "oldstable" during the first
year after a release.

That does mean, if you're unlucky, that there gets to be a double release
every now and again - which means a very long weekend of building and testing.

There are some people who will never ever use a dot-0 release. It's quite
safe to do this in Debian as it will hve had about two years of testing
prior to release.

The idea of a point release is also to periodically round up security fixes
and publish them in a block. If you update regularly - say once a week -
to pick up fixes and patches, then a point release will change very little

All the very best, as ever,


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