drwxr-xr-x 2 gary gary 120 Aug 20 10:19 akonadi
drwx------ 2 gary gary  60 Aug 20 10:19 at-spi
srw-rw-rw- 1 gary gary   0 Aug 20 10:18 bus
drwx------ 3 gary gary  60 Aug 20 10:18 dbus-1
drwx------ 2 gary gary  60 Aug 20 10:18 dconf
*d????????? ? ?    ?      ?            ? doc*

What is with the last entry on the above list.This is the contents of my /run/user/1000 directory. I can't change its characteristics and can't delete it. It is messing up several processes like rsync. Any help will be sincerely appreciated.

Gary R.

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