On 2023-08-05 23:06, Geert Stappers wrote:

> Or you could ask your VPS provider why they aren't providing
> "important" packages in their default image.

This is the first time it's happened. Of the Linux images I've used there, Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, 18.04, 20.04, 22.04, and Debian bullseye all shipped with cron properly installed. Come to think of it... I just checked a local bookworm VM I'm running at home, and it has cron installed, too. I'll open a

Response from the provider:

[ Hi Steve,

Thanks for reaching out to DigitalOcean.

I understand you ran into an issue where you found cron was not preinstalled on our Debian 12 images. I can confirm that in testing I was able to replicate this issue where it's not installed on Debian 12, but is on Debian 11 and our Ubuntu images. It sounds to me like a bug, so I've submitted a review to our engineering team that handles the images for the Droplets. If they determine this to be incorrect they will update the image accordingly.

We appreciate the bug report! For the time being, if you need to launch a new Droplet with Debian 12 you will want to manually install cron.

If you have any other questions or concerns please feel free reach back out at your convenience.

Thank you for being a customer and have a great day! ]

So, there you go... it was a problem with DO's Bookworm image. I'm assuming the omission wasn't intentional and if that is, in fact, the case, it will get fixed quickly.


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