On Tue, Jan 06, 2004 at 05:18:08AM -0500, Michael B Allen wrote:
| How is support for UTF-8 locales?

I just realized that I forgot to answer this question.  I've been using
'en_US.UTF-8' as my locale for some time now.  Many applications
handle it very well, though some don't.  Particularly anything based
on GTK+ 1.2 doesn't handle any multi-byte locate very well.  The only
GTK+ 1.2 app I still use regularly is gnucash.  It ends up displaying
an outline box in between every character.  To solve that, I created a
script I use to run gnucash to set the locate to just en_US for that
process.  Everything else that I use has already moved on to GTK+ 2 or
uses a different toolkit and en_US.UTF-8 has at the least no adverse
affect on it and sometimes is an improvement too.  Some GTK+ 1.2 apps
can deal with a UTF-8 locale.  None of this is debian-specific, FWIW.


The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life,
turning a man from the snares of death.
        Proverbs 13:14
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