On 14 Sep 2023 12:17 +0200, from vinc...@vinc17.net (Vincent Lefevre):
> badblocks says that there are 25252 bad blocks.
> I'm using ddrescue before doing anything else (mainly in case things
> would go worse), but I would essentially be interested in knowing
> which files are affected.

There's always the brute-force way; for each ordinary file, try to cat
it to /dev/null, and log the name of the file if that fails.

Alternatively, since you have an on-disk offset, you might be able to
use `debugfs -R "stat <filename>"` or `hdparm --fibmap <filename>` or
`filefrag -e <filename>` for each file visible to figure out which
file name(s) map to that location on disk.

I couldn't immediately find a convenient way to go from an on-disk
offset to a file name directly.

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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