I am trying to use Ghostscript to resize PDF files to letter page size,
but on certain files the output is not the correct size.  As an example:

   $wget https://gmarks.org/abrams_anh_pardo.pdf

   $pdfinfo abrams_anh_pardo.pdf 
   Page size:      539 x 737 pts

   $gs -o resized_file.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dFIXEDMEDIA -dPDFFitPage 

   $pdfinfo resized_file.pdf 
   Page size:      579.224 x 792 pts

the page size of the output file is 579.224 x 792 pts instead of 612 x
792 pts.  (Interestingly, Ghostscript did change the page size, just
not to the correct dimensions.)  As some printers will refuse to print
files that aren't 612 x 792, I'd like to be able to convert such files
correctly.  How does one do that with Ghostscript?

Incidentally, the command

   $pdfjam --outfile resized_file.pdf --paper letter abrams_anh_pardo.pdf

does produce the correct output; however, on certain PDF files, pdfjam
yields output files with blank pages, so I'd like to be able to use
Ghostscript as an alternative.

Best regards,
Greg Marks

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