Tom Browder (12023-09-20):
> What if you used an equilavent script but increased and randomized time
> between each search string?  Or do you think just the single search is
> enough to trigger them?

We can try to exercise some common sense, in particular by comparing to
similar situations. For example, if you take something that does not
belong to you, but do it at night, when everybody is sleeping and being
very careful you do not make a step squeak or break the laser beams, is
it still stealing? I think most people would consider the answer to the
question whether what you describes breaks Google's terms of use is the

Now, if your interrogation is whether we think you would get away with
it. Well, as it is roughly equivalent to asking if I think you are
smarter than the people at Google, I will respectfully decline to


  Nicolas George

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