On Sun 24 Sep 2023 at 13:05:32 (-0400), Dan Ritter wrote:
> Tom Browder wrote: 
> > Every time I set up a new host, I have to jump through the hoops trying to
> > get the same PATH for ordinary users as well as root, regardless of how
> > they log in. Reading the man pages doesn't help my old brain with all the
> > caveats.
> Set it in /etc/profile, which probably has this in it:
  [ … etc … ]

Dan, could you check the configuration of your (?new since early
August) MUA, because you seem to have been able to post your reply
dated Sun, 24 Sep 2023 13:05:32 -0400 using a Message-ID ¹ identical
to your post dated Thu, 14 Sep 2023 11:00:17 -0400 entitled "Re:
usrmerge on root NFS will not be run automatically".

A word of explanation to people who read debian-user from the web
rather than being subscribed: it would appear that Dan's message
will not appear on https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2023/09/
because of its duplicate Message-ID.

Looking back at some other threads, I notice that your first post
to gene in the thread "raid10 access problem" has a Message-ID ²
that appears to have been used subsequently (check the References at
in gene's reply).

And if you look at the References in Marco's post at
it appears that there has been a conversation between you
and Marco (on-list or off-list?) during 14–15th Sep, in which
the Message-ID shown at ¹ has been used to identify four
different posts of yours.

¹ <3a6b048e-84db-4a47-969c-b62c826e0...@randomstring.org>

² <34dbc5be-529a-4f47-9a51-3b0904019...@randomstring.org>


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