On 9/24/23, Michel Verdier <mv...@free.fr> wrote:
> If you use USB you need a cable allowing data, some allow only power.

 The  USB cable I have been using to charge the battery of that phone
visually seems to be the same exact one being advertised as doubling
as a data cable, but running:
 $ sudo lsusb
 Before and after plugging in the phone doesn’t show any difference.
 Is there a way to test for sure that cable is the right one?
On 9/25/23, Marco <m...@dorfdsl.de> wrote:
> According to the Google documentation:

 which I found:

// __ Transfer files between your computer and Android device

 doesn’t really explain what to do. They apparently want for you to
transfer your files to google drive and all that non sense.

 I also tried mtp fs utility, but I am getting the error message:
detect failed: no MTP devices found

 go-mtpfs -android  "<path to directory>"
 2023/09/25 12:10:10 detect failed: no MTP devices found
 I also tried jmtpfs:

$ which jmtpfs

$ jmtpfs --version
jmtpfs version: 0.5
FUSE library version: 2.9.9
fusermount version: 2.9.9
using FUSE kernel interface version 7.19

$ sudo jmtpfs
No mtp devices found.
 Most probably there is a setting in that phone I haven’t been able to find.


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