hw <h...@adminart.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> with btrfs, how do I make a snapshot of the root file system?  The
> purpose is to update software and being able to go back to a previous
> state if necessary.
> There doesn't seem to be a command to create snapshots but only
> subvolumes?  How does a subvolume turn into a snapshot?  (The root
> file system is, of course, not on a subvolume.)
> How do I merge snapshots?  IIRC, when you remove a ZFS snapshot, the
> older state is merged to the state the snapshot is in.  Apparently
> btrfs can only delete snapshots --- and it seems like a bad idea to
> delete the root file system.  How would I boot from it when it's been
> deleted?
> Can I make a snapshot on a different volume?  The manpage doesn't say
> that the destination of a subvolume must be on the same volume, and in
> any case, I should be able to do that.

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