On 3/10/23 17:14, Ottavio Caruso wrote:

if  open a terminal window and type:

$ sudo systemctl poweroff

I can see what is going on and sometimes it takes almost a minute to power the laptop off.

If I press CTRL+ALT+DELETE from the GUI (Mate), the screen goes completely blank and I have no idea if the laptop is completely off or just thinking about it.

Is there a way to force verbosity during shutdown without opening a terminal window or creating a keyboard shortcut?


It is not the answer to your question, but, it may be the answer that you seek;

"the screen goes completely blank and I have no idea if the laptop is completely off or just thinking about it."

Does your laptop not have, either in the power switch, or, elsewhere, an LED, that is lit when the computer is powered on, and, is dark when the computer is powered off?

I note that you do not specify the model of laptop that you have, but, on the two laptops that I currently have running - an HP laptop and an Acer Aspire V3-772G, the power switch incorporates an LED that acts as I have described. Also, on the Acre, at the front of the base, is a set of three LED's that clearly show whether the computer is powered on.

In Mate 1.26.0, I have a functionality to add functions to the panel, including "Shut down the computer", which has an icon like an electric light switch, that I sometimes use.

Also, why do you not use, instead of the command that you specified,
shutdown -h
or, (if instead, wanted, for example, after doing a kernel update)
shutdown -r

Bret Busby
West Australia

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