On 10/5/23 05:01, Steve Matzura wrote:
On 10/4/2023 2:32 PM, David Christensen wrote:
On 10/4/23 05:03, Steve Matzura wrote:
On 10/3/2023 6:06 PM, David Christensen wrote:
On 10/3/23 12:03, Steve Matzura wrote:
I gave up on the NFS business and went back to good old buggy
but reliable SAMBA (LOL), ...

I have attempted to document the current state of Samba on my SOHO, below. ...

Wow but that's an awful lot of work for something that seems to be a timing problem. But at least I learned something.

What is posted is the results of a lot of work -- trying countless
combinations of settings on the server and on the client via edit,
rebooting, and test cycles; until I found a combination that
seems to work.

Your OP of /etc/fstab:

// /mnt/bigvol1 civs vers=2.0,credentials=/root/smbcreds,ro

* The third field is "civs".  Should that be "cifs"?

* The fourth field contains "ro". Is that read-only? If so, how do you create, update, and delete files and directories on /mnt/bigvol1?

The 'civs' is indeed cifs. That was hand-transcribed, not copied/pasted. My bad.

Please "reply to List".

Please using inline posting style.

Copy-and-paste can require more effort, but precludes transcription errors. On the Internet, errors are not merely embarrassing: they can cause confusion forever.

I mount the drive read-only because it contains my entire audio and video library, so anyone to whom I give access on my network must not ever have the slightest possibility of being able to modify it.

So, you create, update, and delete content via some means other than /mnt/bigvol1 (?).

TIMTOWTDI for multiple-user Samba shares.

ACL's would seem to be the canonical solution, but they introduce complexities -- Unskilled users? Usage consistency from Windows Explorer, Command Prompt, Finder, Terminal, Thunar, Terminal Emulator, etc.? Unix or Windows ACL's? Backup and restore? Integrity auditing and validation?

I chose to implement a "groupshare" share with read-write access for all Samba users and a social contract for usage (I also implemented a "groupshare" group/user and configured Samba to force ownership of content):

2023-10-05 11:51:52 toor@samba ~
# cat /usr/local/etc/smb4.conf
        local master = Yes
        netbios name = SAMBA
        ntlm auth = ntlmv1-permitted
        passdb backend = tdbsam
        preferred master = Yes
        security = USER
        server string = Samba Server Version %v
        wins support = Yes
        workgroup = WORKGROUP
        force user = dpchrist
        path = /var/local/samba/dpchrist
        read only = No
        valid users = dpchrist
        create mask = 0777
        directory mask = 0777
        force create mode = 0666
        force directory mode = 0777
        force unknown acl user = Yes
        force user = groupshare
        path = /var/local/samba/groupshare
        read only = No

2023-10-05 11:54:48 toor@samba ~
# grep groupshare /etc/group /etc/passwd

2023-10-05 12:00:55 toor@samba ~
# find /var/local/samba/ -type d -depth 1 | egrep 'dpchrist|groupshare' | xargs ls -ld drwxrwxr-x 98 dpchrist dpchrist 102 Oct 3 14:13 /var/local/samba/dpchrist drwxrwxr-x 8 groupshare groupshare 13 Oct 5 11:32 /var/local/samba/groupshare

Debian client:

2023-10-05 11:45:42 root@taz ~
# egrep 'dpchrist|groupshare' /etc/fstab | perl -pe 's/\s+/ /g'
//samba/dpchrist /samba/dpchrist cifs noauto,vers=3.0,user,username=dpchrist 0 0
//samba/groupshare /samba/groupshare cifs noauto,vers=3.0,user 0 0

By the way, another friend to whom I showed my problem came up with a
similar solution surrounding my original hypothesis that there is a
delay between the time fstab is processed and networking is available. He said he tested it probably a dozen times and it worked every time. His suggested fstab line is this:

// /mnt/bigvol1 cifs 

It's a matter of edit-reboot-test cycles with a consistent and complete test protocol.

"GID=1000,uid=1000" -- looks similar to my "groupshare" idea, but from the client side. That should produce the same results for most use-cases.

"credentials=<credentials-file>,noauto,x-systemd.automount" -- I assume this is a work-around for unreliable mounting at system start-up (?). I tried similar tricks, and ended up going back to KISS -- typing mount(8) commands by hand once per boot.


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