On Sat, Oct 07, 2023 at 08:27:11PM +0200, Sven Joachim wrote:
> Yes, aptitude can do that.   Quoting the manual[1]:
> ,----
> | ?provides(pattern), ~Ppattern
> | 
> |     Matches package versions which provide a package that matches the
> |     pattern. For instance, “?provides(mail-transport-agent)” will match
> |     all the packages that provide “mail-transport-agent”.
> `----
> In the current case, "aptitude search '~Plsb-base'" does the trick.

Why on EARTH was this not ported to apt-patterns(7)?

unicorn:~$ apt list '?conflicts(~nlsb-base)'
Listing... Done
sysvinit-utils/stable,now 3.06-4 amd64 [installed]
sysvinit-utils/stable 3.06-4 i386
unicorn:~$ apt list '?provides(~nlsb-base)'
Listing... Error!
E: input:0-21: error: Unrecognized pattern '?provides'

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