On 2023-10-16 at 10:17, Thomas Schmitt wrote:

> Hi,
> my ~ 10 year old Iiyama ProLite X2775HDS sometimes does strange
> things when i wake it by keyboard or mouse movement after X had cut
> off itsi signal because i was inactive for a few minutes.
> Either it stays black although it reported to have in nput signal
> again, or it shows an interlaced and displaced image of what fvwm is
> supposed to display. A power cycle of screen reliably brings the
> correct display.

FWIW, that "interlaced and displaced image" sounds like it could be
describing the same "fuzzy"/"blurry" thing I was trying to describe.

> In more than 99 of 100 tries it just wakes up ok, though.


> It seems not to be related to the computers to which it has been 
> attached since i got it.

I only use the monitor with one single computer, thus far, so I can't
testify on that front.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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