On Sat, Oct 21, 2023 at 01:38:37PM -0400, Pocket wrote:
> Well the default install for bookworm does install it and use it.
> That is why I am here.

There's no single "default install".  Sure, if you just hit the Enter
key straight through an install you end up with GNOME, and also with NM.
But if you *don't* install GNOME (or any desktop environment) then you
also don't get NM.

NM is not the default in a "Standard" install (Standard being the name
of a specific package set in the tasksel dialog).  Only in desktop
installs.  The regulars on this mailing list skew toward people who do
not use desktop environments.  Therefore, we don't possess a lot of
knowledge about NM.

> > If you want to *solve your problem* then I've offered you the only
> > answers I know.
> It is my opinion is that information is old and not valid for bookworm

Feel free to correct whatever you believe needs correcting.  That's what
a wiki is, after all.  Do you have a specific example of an incorrect
statement on that page?

> I am not battling or in conflict with any one.

Then why do you reject *all* the answers?

sudo -s
apt-get install openresolv
echo resolvconf=NO >> /etc/resolvconf.conf

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