On Sun, Oct 22, 2023 at 1:18 PM Greg Wooledge  wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 22, 2023 at 11:22:06AM -0400, Lee wrote:
> > Just out of curiosity, why didn't you use the example from
> > https://wiki.debian.org/resolv.conf and do
> >
> > echo 'make_resolv_conf() { :; }' >
> > /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/leave_my_resolv_conf_alone
> > chmod 755 /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/leave_my_resolv_conf_alone
> Because that only affects isc-dhcp-client, and does nothing for other
> DHCP clients, such as Network Manager.

I can sort of understand that an all volunteer project is going to
have some rough edges and inconsistencies, but this is a bit much.  My
understanding is that ISC no longer supports their dhcp client
software so the isc-dhcp-client package will go away someday?
correct?  & I suspect whatever works today will break when the new
software comes out, so I'd rather get a head-start on how to work with
the replacement.

How can I find out who is working on what replacement?


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