Hi all,

I rent a dedicated server where I installed an hypervisor and purchased failover public IPv4 IPs routed to that server.

When configuring the Debian VMs to use those failover IPs, I have to

- set the address to /32: "ip addr add $IP/32 dev eth0"

- set the traffic to the gateway to go through the NIC: "ip route add $GW dev eth0"

- set the default route to go via the gateway: "ip route add default via $GW"

As I set the IP address to a /32, the gateway is not (never) in the subnet of the VM.

When using the Debian installer, at the networking setup, the installer refuses that setting: the gateway is not in the subnet of the set IP address.

The workaround I use is either to

- finish the installation without network and then at reboot, setup the network

- manually setup the network during installation in another console

But isn't there a way to make the Debian installer accept that the gateway is not in the subnet of the set IP address?


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