
I am considering using Nix to install packages that are not available in
Debian, or not available in the version I need. But I ear NixOS has a
quite different taste than usual Linux distros, and I know Debian, and
all our homemade admin scripts are tailored for Debian-based systems, so
I will keep Debian as the base system.

I was hoping somebody here might already have done something like that
and have notes they could share to kick-start me.

I can start with a simple scenario, a simple program with only library
dependencies and no inter-dependency configuration.

So, starting from a standard stable Debian installation, what do I need
to type in order to have Nix install (for example) OpenVPN somewhere?
After that, I would like to be able to forget it was installed using Nix
until it is time to upgrade it: I just configure and run it, like I
installed it from source.

So, will somebody give me the hints that will save me some times in
trial and error to get my head around the logic?

Thanks in advance.

  Nicolas George

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