On 11/8/23 02:20, gene heskett wrote:
But before I do yet another reinstall, 24th or so. two of the sata 2t's are installed, and I'm tempted to rsych the raid to one of them to see if reassigning /home to a copy of /home does away with this horrible lag I'm wanting to blame on the raid10.

Testing your applications for file system issues using a single non-RAID device with one partition and an ext4 file system is a good trouble-shooting technique. But, see my next comment.

They are empty except for the ext4 install and if pvcreate just slams the new format regardless, I'll rsync the 2T /home back to the raid10, and unplug that controller before I put the install dvd in. I also have another sata controller, this one with all 16 ports installed.

And I just looked at tht pair, and acc gparted they have both been pvcreated, so I'll leave then alone and steal the dvd cable, puttin a new 2T drive if I can rig power to it.

As I previously suggested, and as you previously seemed agreeable to, I think you should stop working on the Asus and build a backup server.

Good disaster preparedness expedites system operations, maintenance, and change -- because you can take risky steps and recover if those steps fail.

This mobo also claims to be able to do the intel version of a raid on its own sata ports.  Does anyone here have experience doing that?

Yes, but I prefer software RAID -- because I can move the disks to another computer with different hardware and the arrays will still work. Hardware RAID typically requires compatible hardware.


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