gene heskett wrote: 
> Greetings all;
> I have a 3d printer, an arm64 controller running ambian buster
> it has an address of 169.254.xx.xx/16

That IP suggests that it has not got a static IP or a DHCP
address, and doesn't know what the local network is.

Do you actually run your internal network on 169.254?

> it can ping this machine but something is killing full net access, so it
> can't set its time.
> It can talk to this machine by address.  Running bookworm here.
> There was at onetime, the ability to make this machine serve as a lower
> level time server so it should be possible to have this printers time
> requests satisfied by this machine which s/b within a millisecond or 2 of
> the master clock in Boulder CO.
> Is there a ready made package for that? Or, can this be enabled in systemd
> stuff?

apt install ntp 
apt install ntpsec
apt install chrony

The defaults for Debian time packages use the Debian NTP pool:


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