On Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 04:52:01PM -0600, David Wright wrote:
> BTW could you not write part of your post in the Subject line:
> in order to respond to that specific part of the post, the
> replier has either to top post, or paste the Subject line
> back into the correct place. That's ignoring the fact that
> many MUAs will truncate the Subject in their index list, so
> users won't see what the post is about.

Agreed.  Email etiquette suggests that a Subject: header should never
be longer than fits on one line of the terminal (and terminals are 80
columns wide, you heathens).  With the "Subject: " string taking 9
characters, and allowing another 4 characters for "Re: " and one more
character to prevent line-wrapping when writing to the 80th column,
this means your Subject: should be a maximum of 65 characters.  Shorter
is better.

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