On Dec 01, 2023, gene heskett wrote:
> On 11/30/23 23:18, Max Nikulin wrote:
> > [...]
> > What I see in your messages are false claims, e.g. that DHCP addresses
> > are unstable. DHCP servers *may* be configured to assign fixed addresses
> > to particular clients.
> > 
> My ISP does that, so my exterior net address has been stable for over a
> decade, but I've tried it 2-3 times in the 2000's and got unstable
> addresses from  the distro versions of dhcp every time.

Your router just renews its lease within the renewal window. If you had
no power for a week, then your router would lose its lease, and the IP
address would change. That is -- no, your ISP does not reserve your IP
address at all.

Likewise, a Debian box running isc-dhcp-server (or any of the other
myriad of options) will hand out the same address to the same machine
forever, provided that machine asks to renew before the lease expires.

Note that if we're talking about devices that leave your network, this
somewhat goes out the window; because if they happened to join a remote
network that happens to share the same subnet, AND that network tells
them to use a different IP address (e.g. home was,
starbucks told your laptop '100' wasn't available), then the laptop MAY
request the IP address Starbucks gave when you get back home.

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