On 4/12/23 10:26, Max Nikulin wrote:
> I am curious if this creature may provide a summary on user-space OOM
> killers. I have never tried them, but I expect that they may be more > intelligent than the kernel-space one. I have seen mentions of the > following ones: earlyoom, nohang, oomd.

I think I've found a potential culprit using about:processes

https://openai.com 110% CPU

(That's GPT4)

Firefox at this time is running around 1GB memory

The super high CPU for openai is certainly a whole bunch of javascript. I closed that tab and the CPU load dropped to normal. Reloading the openai website and CPU oscillated between 1% and 20% till it settled around 1%

I have also been monitoring global memory use. The last entry below is after I closed the openai tab

root@client:~# date; free -m
Mon 04 Dec 2023 09:14:29 AWST
               total        used        free      shared buff/cache   available
Mem:           32023       12400       10521         426 10136       19622
Swap:            976           8         968
root@client:~# date; free -m
Mon 04 Dec 2023 10:04:56 AWST
               total        used        free      shared buff/cache   available
Mem:           32023       12913        9959         437 10197       19110
Swap:            976           8         968
root@client:~# date; free -m
Mon 04 Dec 2023 10:28:19 AWST
               total        used        free      shared buff/cache   available
Mem:           32023       13113        9732         419 10206       18910
Swap:            976           8         968
root@client:~# date; free -m
Mon 04 Dec 2023 10:32:58 AWST
               total        used        free      shared buff/cache   available
Mem:           32023       12545       10297         428 10217       19478
Swap:            976           8         968

This does not explain the OOM problem, but it seems memory is slowly being consumed at a rate where in 24 hours I'll start seeing problems again.

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