On 12/6/23 07:22, Max Nikulin wrote:
On 06/12/2023 00:03, Pocket wrote:
On 12/5/23 11:37, Max Nikulin wrote:
On 05/12/2023 05:14, Pocket wrote:

For gene........................................................

     dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

That does not work. Cannot set EST5EDT.  you have to do that manually.

Do you have reasons to prefer EST5EDT to IANA identifiers like America/Detroit, America/New_York, etc. (that have some differences from EST5EDT)? Location-based time zones should be more precise for most of users.

I find it reasonable that "dpkg-reconfigure tzdata" forces users to set a timezone that should provide more accurate results for them.

I follow POSIX

I have seen America/New_York in a couple of Gene's messages including
https://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/7ba9b8bc-2929-4a3d-8007-a1b5c7f6f...@shentel.net so I assume it is one that he should use. My impression is that EST5EDT appeared unintentionally.

I introduced EST5DST to this by simply posted my configuration.

I don't use KDE, I am using LXDE and systems without desktops.

Comment that part out of the shell script.

Do you really need TZ environment variable especially set to the value in system-wide configuration? In the Gene's case I mentioned it for the case that some piece of software decided to set it, but I have not recommended to set it. It is a way to make debugging of a next issue harder.

I doesn't hurt anything, What if I install some application that uses it and it is not set?

Sorry, I do not have a VM with LXDE to check if TZ is actually set for applications. It may depend on display manager configuration and on the approach to launch applications: window manager children or systemd session.

Anyway I noticed "For gene" and I remember that he uses KDE that has a GUI for it. However I am unsure if KDE is installed to this 3d printer controller.

Which is why I use it.

/usr/share/zoneinfo/posix/EST5EDT is a symlilnk to /usr/share/zoneinfo/EST5EDT

And it is rather confusing since arbitrary abbreviations may be used to specify POSIX time zones, e.g. ABC5DEF. From my point of view, it is just legacy since the time zone database is available.

It was painful when JavaScript (ECMAScript 5) had fixed DST rules based on current regulations. Chrome followed the standard, Firefox used accurate history of time transitions. I have not checked POSIX, but I see that GNU libc approach is something third in between.

Let's use time zones that allows to get accurate local time.

You use want works for you I will use what works for me.

Anyway I will use the timezone that I wish to use and that is EST5EDT.  All my systems are set to POSIX standards.

cat /etc/default/locale

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