On 12/8/23 18:17, Greg Wooledge wrote:
On Fri, Dec 08, 2023 at 05:59:58PM -0500, Pocket wrote:
On 12/8/23 17:54, Greg Wooledge wrote:
cc(1) looks at the file extension to decide what kind of content each
named argument file is expected to contain.
No it looks for a suffix
So Debian files have "suffixes" and Windows files have "extensions",
and they're identical in form and function, but you use different labels
for them?  OK then.

No "extensions" are required in ms operation systems.

A file spec in Unix/Linux is a string of 255 characters

look it up

rename a jpeg to farts, linux still knows it is a jpeg
Why would the *kernel* know any such thing?  Kernels do not care about
graphical file types.

It's not easy to be me

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