On 12/11/23, Greg Wooledge <g...@wooledge.org> wrote:
> 1) Many implementations of echo will interpret parts of their argument(s),
>    in addition to processing options like -n.  If you want to print a
>    variable's contents to standard output without *any* interpretation,
>    use printf.
>     printf %s "$myvar"
>     printf '%s\n' "$myvar"

 I will use "printf ..." from now on.

> 2) As tomas already told you, the square brackets in
>     tr -c -s '[A-Za-z0-9.]' _
>    are literal.  You're using a command which will keep left and right
>    square brackets in the input, *not* replacing them with underscores.
>    This may not be what you want.

 My mistake, even though it didn't get in the way of what I was trying
to do. I replaced :alnum: by what I thought it meant and left the

> 3) In locales other than C or POSIX, ranges like A-Z are *not* necessarily
>    synonyms for [:upper:].  As I've already mentioned, GNU tr is known to
>    contain bugs, so you're getting lucky here.  The bugs in GNU tr happen
>    to work the way you're expecting, so that A-Z is treated like [:upper:]
>    when it should not be.  If at some point in the future GNU tr is fixed
>    to conform to POSIX, your script may break.
>    The correct tr command you should be using if you want to retain
>    accented letters (as defined in your locale) is:
>     tr -c -s '[:alnum:].' _
>    If you want to discard accented letters, then either of these is OK:
>     LC_COLLATE=C tr -c -s '[:alnum:].' _
>     LC_COLLATE=C tr -c -s 'A-Za-z0-9.' _

 I like your second one liner much better (LC_COLLATE=C tr -c -s 'A-Za-z0-9.' _)

 I tend to avoid '[:alnum:].' because the intended meaning of
"ALphabetic et NUMeric" characters, even though it depends on the
locale has a strong ASCII accent to it.

> Thus, we come full circle.

 Yes, we did. Thank you, lbrtchx

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